VSoftwareTools, Inc. is a leading provider of business technology services celebrating 15 years of quality service located in beautiful Klamath Falls Oregon. Our flagship product PMToolsTM (Profit Management Tools) made us a software leader of the Mail Ship and Parcel Industry.
packages have been processed through our PIMMS (Package Inventory Mail Management System) included in PMTools.

The most popular tool in the PMTools suite is PIMM$ (Package Inventory Mail Management System). The PIMM$ tool is used to check in  packages and notify your PMB customers via text to a smart phone/device or email. You can also notify PMB customers when mail has been received. Our newly released version supports the Topaz signature pad that can be purchased through OLSON & IVES, and if your store uses Cyan Credit Card merchant services PIMM$ can capture signatures through that device too. Click on the picture to see the models OLSON and IVES are offering that works with PIMM$. We are currently working on smart device technology which will be released at a later date.
Our business background helps our team identify relevant technology building blocks to support your small business growth and profitability. VSoftwareTools creates solutions to fit your needs, your budget and your release schedule. Our teams background experience consist of small business owners to a past with corporate technology giants bringing skills sets and knowledge to the small business entrepreneur. We pride ourselves in bringing experience and knowledge afforded normally to Fortune 500 companies to the small business at an affordable small business price.
VSoftwareTools has several softwares, deployment ready for your location. Whether it is B2B or B2C our team is ready to assist your company to grow and operate more efficiently.
800-778-4078Click RingMe button to call your phone and then connect to a VSoftwareTools sales or support. It's free.
Mon - Fri | 7AM - 6PM Pacific
| Sat | Closed | Sun | Closed |